NextGen PAC Endorses Slate of Progressive Candidates Ahead of 2024 Election

Progressive youth vote organization endorses four progressive candidates in three battleground states

Washington, D.C. — Today, NextGen PAC announced its third wave of endorsements for a series of progressive Congressional candidates in the key battleground states of Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania ahead of the 2024 election. These endorsements are a critical part of NextGen PAC’s efforts to mobilize millions of young voters across the country in support of Democratic candidates in this election cycle and beyond.

Today’s endorsements include AZ-6 candidate Kirsten Engel, MI-7 candidate Curtis Hertel, MI-8 candidate Kristen McDonald Rivet, and PA-10 candidate Janelle Stelson. NextGen endorses these candidates because of their commitment to addressing the issues that young people care about most — creating green jobs, combating gun violence, and standing up for reproductive rights.

“In recent years, young voters have been the driving force behind progressive electoral victories across the country,” NextGen PAC President and Executive Director Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez said. “We’re very excited to endorse this latest wave of candidates, who embody the values and leadership our current moment requires. As we face another crucial election year, we must again stand firm against MAGA Republicans’ extremist agenda. Every vote counts in the ongoing battle for a more equitable democracy, and these candidates are at the forefront of that fight.”

In 2020, NextGen PAC helped mobilize 1 in every 9 young voters who cast a ballot, leading to the largest youth voter turnout in history. In 2024, NextGen PAC is focused on empowering young voters to fight for a better future, this includes endorsing progressive candidates and ballot measures, among other activities.


About NextGen PAC
NextGen PAC’s mission is to empower young voters to engage in elections and ensure our government is responsive to the largest and most diverse generation in American history. We invite 18-to-35 year olds into our democracy to ensure our government works for them and to find new solutions to the dire challenges facing our country. NextGen PAC fights for a progressive future by growing and wielding the grassroots political power of young people on the ground and online.