Young Voters Respond to SCOTUS Decision Striking Down Rule Prohibiting Bump Stocks

In response to the Supreme Court striking down the ATF rule to prohibit the production, sale, and possession of bump stocks, NextGen America President Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez released the following statement:

“The Supreme Court’s decision today to allow the use of deadly bump stocks directly threatens the safety and livelihood of America’s young people. These devices are specifically designed and intended to convert semi-automatic firearms into machine guns, and they should have no place in our streets or our communities. This decision ensures a device used in our nation’s deadliest modern mass shooting is once again legal in a majority of states across the country. Guns are the number one killer of America’s kids, and we are enraged to see SCOTUS strike down the ATF’s rule prohibiting the production, sale, and possession of bump stocks.

“Time and time again, young people have been outspoken in their calls to leadership to end this country’s epidemic of gun violence. Today, young people reiterate their call on Congress to take immediate action and pass bipartisan legislation banning bump stocks. We can ban these dangerous and deadly devices for good by passing the Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act. NextGen America will continue organizing young people across the country to ensure our leaders listen to our demands and take action on gun violence.”


About NextGen America

NextGen America is the leading national organization for engaging young people through voter education, registration and mobilization. We invite 18-to-35 year olds — the largest and most diverse generation in American history — into our democracy to ensure our government works for them and to find new solutions to the dire challenges facing our society and the world. Since 2013, NextGen America has registered more than 1.3 million young voters and contacted 9.6 million young eligible voters during the historic 2022 midterm elections.